2012: Blinky Flashy Trip to China


Full time elf
Jun 12, 2010
As a spin of the presidents talk about China at the melbourne mini it was suggested that we might arrange a trip up the the land of blinky flashy in 2012, go to one of the big lighting trade shows, visit a few factorys in Ghanghouz and Shenzhen, and probably a day in Hongkong, for a 5-6 day trip

As an estimate only, the cost to do such a trip would be around $A2000- 2500, ( ex Melbourne or Sydney ) which would include airfares, accommodation and ground travel in china.. Theres two major trade fairs, one in early march and one in early june.

If your interested ( and this is'nt a committement ) let us know, and if theres enough interest ( say 5 people ) we could turn this into a reality.


yes MPH does sound like fun. Not sure which is the better show but March does give plenty of time to order and tinker.
June is better by factor of two. March is still very good. And weather much kinder. I'm in Shenzhen right now at it's a balmy 35c. Humid. Had nice lunch
I'm hitting LED fair this year in Feb 2012 - is anyone else planning to attend? Would love to meet some others from the world of Chirstmas Lighting!