Release 2016.21 release. new MUSIC effect, many enhancements


Dedicated elf
Jan 19, 2012
4217 Greenfinch Dr CO 80126
xLights Release 2016.21
Many enhancements from Keith Westley
1) New effect MUSIC. Put note names on label track (C4, F#5), notes turn on display. This will prob need a tutorial video
2) Many effects now have x.y positioning
3) CONVERT tab has been moved under TOOLS tab

Latest releases are found at
Issue Tracker is found here:

2016.21 Apr 22, 2016
-- enh (keithsw) Add x/y offset and some new movements to tendril
-- enh (keithsw) Custom model export and import allowing simple sharing
-- enh (keithsw) Add x offset to piano
-- enh (keithsw) Add x and y offsets to select meteor effects
-- enh (keithsw) Add x and y offsets to select vumeter effects
-- enh (keithsw) Add timing track option for defining piano notes
-- bug (gil) Fix first frame and last frame buttons so the grid will scroll. Fixes #544.
-- enh (keithsw) Add Music Effect
-- enh (keithsw) Add Note On sub effect to VU Meter - Like On but you can filter the notes it responds to
-- enh (keithsw) Add Note Level Pulse sub effect to VU Meter - Like Level Pulse but you can filter the notes it responds to
-- enh (keithsw) Add Timing Event Colour sub effect to VU Meter - This changes colour on timing events
-- enh (keithsw) Add option to trigger firework effects based on the audio intensity
-- enh (keithsw) Add the option to vary meteor effect meteor count based on the audio intensity
-- enh (keithsw) Add Colour On sub effect to VU Meter - Selects a colour based on the intensity of the audio
-- enh (keithsw) Add the ability to constrain the frequency range of the spectrogram. Columns in this effect are now aligned with MIDI notes.
-- fix (keithsw) Ensure pictures, piano and video effect move when moving folders around
-- enh (keithsw) Move convert tab into a dialog under TOOLS. Now go to convert "TOOLS,CONVERT"