Dedicated elf
2016.24: quick bug fix from Dan and Keith to show the Music waveform.
I appreciate the quick fix. All the developers and myself tried 2016.23, waveform showed on all of our machines (over 10 machines). We released 2016.23 and a number of you had issues where the waveform did not work. Since 2016.23 was a release that was going to start using your graphics hardware to accelerate our drawings we therefor become sensitive to the hardware platform. This highlights why we need Beta testers, the 4 of us are just not enough of a pool of people to test everything. Thanks again to the Beta testers and the developers!
Latest releases are found at [url=][/url]
Issue Tracker is found here:
2016.24 May 04, 2016
-- bug (dkulp) Fix OPENGL calls so that Sound wavefile shows on Intel Graphics cards
I appreciate the quick fix. All the developers and myself tried 2016.23, waveform showed on all of our machines (over 10 machines). We released 2016.23 and a number of you had issues where the waveform did not work. Since 2016.23 was a release that was going to start using your graphics hardware to accelerate our drawings we therefor become sensitive to the hardware platform. This highlights why we need Beta testers, the 4 of us are just not enough of a pool of people to test everything. Thanks again to the Beta testers and the developers!
Latest releases are found at [url=][/url]
Issue Tracker is found here:
2016.24 May 04, 2016
-- bug (dkulp) Fix OPENGL calls so that Sound wavefile shows on Intel Graphics cards