
Here is an old video
[font=.HelveticaNeueUI][/size]I typically draw my mega tree twice. I do a 2d tree and draw it using the rgb rope light tool in the shape/size of the tree and also do it as a matrix and draw a small matrix off to the side.[/font]
[font=.HelveticaNeueUI][/size]Only 50/50 chance this will help much.[/font]
I would say this issue is created by not having the controllers correctly set up for the range of channels you want to use in the matrix. If you draw a matrix that is 24 x 25 then you must ensure there are 600 RGB channels availabe to use for that matrix or else when creating the matrix it will say that the channel range is not big enough and not work.

Now to clear a drawing you right mouse click on the element/controller and then you can remove drawings, this will clear that drawing for that controller/element. You can tell if a drawing has been allocated to an LSP RGB channel by noticing a verticle white bar to the right of the channel name.
Your sequence had 6 controllers and I thought it was a strip tree. I drew it as a 2d mega tree with a matching grid off to the side. I think it should give you an idea. Maybe take another stab at it and if you get frustrated I will try and help some more.
Do you understand drawing the second matrix? You need to be 100% sure you hve the data directed in the correct spot on both the mega tree and matrix when you draw them. As far as drawing the mega tree as a matrix I usually draw it off to the side and leave the mega tree to scale in its spot. Som folks just draw it as a matrix but I like to do both and just assign the same channels to multiple things.