7 LOR control boxes, ect for sale


New elf
Jan 5, 2011
Yallambie (Victoria)
I have 7 240v LOR control boxes for sale 4 metal case 3 plastic case. Also 72 sets of LED lights that have had the multi function disabled. Also 100 x3 core cables in 20 meter lengths that plug between the LED lights and the multi function control as they have been altered tso they stay inside and only the cable and lights are outside. I dont have time to program or learn how to ( my wife used to do it ). Control boxes $1500.00 lot. Cables $500.00 lot 70 LED lights Red, Green and White some Blue as well that have not been disabled. $ 700.00 Or best offer for any of the items Email twoalves@bigpond.com.au Nigel. ( Wife- Angela)
Would you sell the LOR control boxes separately or in a group of two? What price would you do them for?