Welcome to the new AusChristmasLighting forum discussion


Dedicated elf
Jun 30, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
A discussion thread for the new AusChristmasLighting, powered by XenForo (announcement reply). Be nice :D

The migration of the forum is pretty much completed now! Welcome to the fresher (and responsive!) AusChristmasLighting xD (powered by XenForo).

While most things are now in place, not everything did go to plan unfortunately! We've experienced a wiki-related hiccup when importing attachments with some (but not all) images skipped. Rather than delaying opening the new site, we'll keep the wiki closed for the time being. Either a fix will be found (yay! ) or missing wiki images will need to be manually uploaded from the old wiki archive one-by-one (boo...). In either case, this wiki maintenance will require that the forum be switched off for a few hours to prepare the new wiki for viewing.

In the meantime you may view (but not edit) an archive of the now former wiki platform here: http://old-forum-archive.auschristmaslighting.com/wiki/
Definitely, a very large THANK YOU to Ryan, Phil, and I'm sure others who have helped to implement this new forum! Certainly a labor of love to take on a project for the benefit of people who you only know on here!