Am I allowed to start planning this years display yet ?


New elf
Oct 3, 2014
I originally thought June would be acceptable as I planned to use 'Christmas in July' as an excuse.
It's only April ... but that came around pretty quickly.
June is essentially just around the corner.

Will I be labeled as 'Crazy' if I start next week ?
What should I do if friends or family try to intervene ?

Or - Am I already running out of time ?

Get started now! I've been working on my 14 RGB meteors for about three weekends. Every year I leave it too late and end up not achieving what I had hoped for.

Uh, I started this year's planning and building while last year's show was still running (Dec 2014)....go for it when you're ready and be prepared to accept what you get done. That is to say, have fun no matter when. But once you start, remember you will get CLAP (Christmas lighting addiction problem), and you may find yourself working on the next display/show all year around.
mararunr said:
Uh, I started this year's planning and building while last year's show was still running (Dec 2014)....go for it when you're ready and be prepared to accept what you get done. That is to say, have fun no matter when. But once you start, remember you will get CLAP (Christmas lighting addiction problem), and you may find yourself working on the next display/show all year around.

you an me both mate..

you see all your hard work..
an then think....

i have'nt got enouth lights,

this gap is empty,

this element would look better over there,

i need more of that..

i need to get rid of that.. but then something better must go there..

there the questions i ask myself in dec while the show is running.
then as i start taking things down, i start saving $$$,
then ordering more hardware to build the new stuff,

currently i have 80% built 3 pixel spinners, an 5% of the roof matrix project done..
an i think im behind.. :D
I started planning last year and am only partially done

I am starting earlier this year, so I can leave more time to sequence.

Planning is the most important part and you can never be too early to start planning. As soon as you have your plans set then start working through your plan as soon as possible. People may think your crazy now but they will think your a genius come Christmas time. Its an all year hobby.
I also have been planning since dec. I have been drip feeding my orders for new lights, that is to say, I have ordered lights as I get some spare money, 3 deliveries so far :D
My eldest daughter is more addicted than I am, she is living away at Uni and keeps asking when I am going to start building new projects as she keeps telling all her friends about it and wants to brag to them :eek:
unfortunately my shed is full of another project that I am working on at the moment, so planning is all I can do at this stage.
Hmm... I did not really stop from last year, just a bit of a pause (had to accommodate my first daughters wedding :))

I just got my order from Ray - and it took 2 months from when I first contacted him (unfortunately early Feb so hit Chinese new year) to when I received it last week ! Am glad that it was not later in the year !
Go for it! I love Christmas in July :D

damo said:
I originally thought June would be acceptable as I planned to use 'Christmas in July' as an excuse.
It's only April ... but that came around pretty quickly.
June is essentially just around the corner.

Will I be labeled as 'Crazy' if I start next week ?
What should I do if friends or family try to intervene ?

Or - Am I already running out of time ?

My normal pattern has been start thinking about the show in November. Order a bunch of new stuff thinking it won't be delivered in time. Then it arrives but I'm telling everyone I have this new stuff to add but I don't have time to get it designed and working this year. Then somehow I pull off a huge amount of work in 3 weeks and have something nice running by mid december. I'm sure it would kill some of you to not start your show on Dec 1st but I'm happy to wait till the 10th - 15th range. In fact this year I'll be Elk hunting the first week of December.

I usually am building all December and growing my show daily. I enjoy adding new things when I can hook them up during the day and test them out that night. I usually update my songs while my show is playing. Then after December I'm usually fired up and go gungho ordering new stuff planning to start early and then by March I've forgotten about it and don't touch anything all year.

So this year I figured I'll attempt to stay focused on the hobby by getting involved with software development. Now I'm realizing its going to be hard to balance taking time to design my show versus time to work on the software. I have fun doing both. I have most of the parts to build a 85x64 matrix for this year so at some point I gotta take a break from coding and get that built or at least balance my time between the two.
I made a promise to my partner that i would leave the lights alone for 3 months, YES THREE MONTHS, after Xmas ... and she believed me. :D :D
Have built a 2560 light matrix, just received 2000 more pixels. Programming and fabrication is up-to-speed on four singing trees, so it never really stops.
CLAP it is ..... you have been warned.