Anyone sharing sequences


New elf
Mar 22, 2012
I am looking for Nutcracker sequences that have a 24 string 50 pixel Mega Tree, to the songs Holly Jolly by Burl Ives and Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams. I would actually appreciate any songs, but those two are the ones that I am working on right now.
I am new to RGB pixels and would appreciate any sequence files that folks are willing to share.


sean said at the end of the month he will have aprox 18- 20 song done to share with a sub folder some how ... he said he will do it before or shortly after the denver meet..
4craigh said:
I am looking for Nutcracker sequences that have a 24 string 50 pixel Mega Tree, to the songs Holly Jolly by Burl Ives and Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams. I would actually appreciate any songs, but those two are the ones that I am working on right now.
I am new to RGB pixels and would appreciate any sequence files that folks are willing to share.



I will be posting timings.

Remember "sequences that have a 24 string 50 pixel Mega Tree" [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]does not apply to nutcracker. Any sequence can be shared. If someone has a 10x20 horiz matrix and another person has a 64x128 megatree. The exact same xml file works for both. This is because the xml file contains the slider settings, check boxes, palette settings. There is nothing in the xml sequence file related to the model.[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] When you press play, the effects are auto-sized to whatever model you have.[/font]

I will do both the burl ives and andy williams songs for you and get them posted in the first pile. I plan on using them myself

Thanks a bunch!
Looking forward to seeing these sequences it will really help me out!


I was just following up on whether any sequences had ever been posted. I really look forward to seeing what can be done.

Thank you!

This is a work in progress

I have a small library of files that i am working on.
i hope to expand this to ALL the songs for my display this year.

in these two links i have

my proposed song list
click song list

and the actual timing mark files
click timing marks

the song list has ALL the amazon locations as well as title, author, etc.
maybe i should put the link for the xml files WITH the song list...

the timing marks are all UPBEATS, i remove the unnecessary ones

here ya go.
i have made all these available to Sean as well

Thanks so much Keebler.

It really helps seeing one that someone else makes. My test sequences have been way too busy for lack of a better word, but i really like your Hallelujah.
I'd love to share... I may have to zip the file though as you can't post .xml files to this group.

You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are gif,jpg,jpeg,png,pdf,txt,doc,docx,ppt,pptx,pps,ppsx,zip,hex,lms,las,vix,msq.

email me 10ryanlucas AT gmail DOT com if you want to directly share...I have about 10 songs so far, only 2 I'm really happy with. have roof outline, window outline, 3 arches (40 pixels each), a 12 strand mega tree.