Audio Timing Marks for Nutcracker


New elf
Mar 22, 2012
Is there a way to have timing marks for an audio file in Nutcracker so they can be used to turn on effects?
I want to be able to set any of the effects based on timing marks that follow the beat of the song or other key points in a song within Nutcracker.

I see there is an option to use an Audacity Timing File when you open an audio file, but I don't know how to create that timing file and I am not sure it will give me what I want.


Thanks for the Video link.
I sort of knew about using the audio file to create a new sequence and selecting the option to use a timing file from Audacity. But how do you create/set the timing file in Audacity for an entire song that could then be used by Nutcracker?

Maybe another way to look at this is, how would I use Nutcracker to sequence an entire song when it does not have any timing marks at all? In Superstar you can have timing marks automatically set for an entire song, which then makes it helpful to set effects at certain points in the song.
Can I do something similar in Nutcracker?
Without something to go by on when to have an effect start and end how would someone use Nutcracker to sequence an entire song?

4craigh said:
Thanks for the Video link.
I sort of knew about using the audio file to create a new sequence and selecting the option to use a timing file from Audacity. But how do you create/set the timing file in Audacity for an entire song that could then be used by Nutcracker?

Maybe another way to look at this is, how would I use Nutcracker to sequence an entire song when it does not have any timing marks at all? In Superstar you can have timing marks automatically set for an entire song, which then makes it helpful to set effects at certain points in the song.
Can I do something similar in Nutcracker?
Without something to go by on when to have an effect start and end how would someone use Nutcracker to sequence an entire song?


These are the steps./

1) Download and install the vamp plugins from the University of Queen Mary in the UK,
download windows version and then read the README file for how to install.

After you do this you will now have new options in Audacity.

The best ones are
a) Bar and Beat Tracker: Beat count.

This will make a beat track markings for any song. onbe press of the button. you end up with 100-200 markings. The markings are on the label track.

NOTE!!!! You shoudl next do "Export Labels". This will NOT work if you are on windows. The name of the windows track has colons in it (Why tyhe UK students did thsi id dont know). So next step is to click on the label track box wher eits says "Label Track", then click "Name". give this track a valid name. I always use the same base name as the mp3. so if my file is wizards_of_winter.mp3, i would rename teh track as wizards_of_winter_beats"
Now you do a "File, Export" . you now have an audacity beat track file. total time on most files; < 60 seconds.

You then go to nutcracker, pick 2nd option on open. Open an audio file anc click audacity label file.
You get a blank sequence, 200 beat track markings. Now press "Create Random Effects". every timing mark will get an effect. Now go and edit rows, delete rows, whatever.

b) Note Onset Detector: Note Onsets...
Thsi will find every note in your file, so if multiple notes per beat, you get a label marking for each.

c) Polyphonic Transcription. Thsi will fiund every actual note and give labels with the Midi note number. This label file will be a required input to my new piano keyboard effect.

Sean thanks for the instructions they answered my question.
I have a question about the statement you made in the instructions about the file exported from Audacity,
[SIZE=78%]"[/SIZE] [/size]total time on most files; < 60 seconds." What does that mean exactly? If a song is 2.34 minutes long do I get a beat file that has markings for the entire song or just a portion of it?

In the future will Nutcracker have a way of creating timings itself, like other applications? The timings created in Superstar seem to be right on the money, which is really helpful. But Nutcracker seems to be easier to use to create effects for RGB items.
Thanks for all your hard work on this great app!

4craigh said:
Sean thanks for the instructions they answered my question.
I have a question about the statement you made in the instructions about the file exported from Audacity,
[SIZE=78%]"[/SIZE]total time on most files; < 60 seconds." What does that mean exactly? If a song is 2.34 minutes long do I get a beat file that has markings for the entire song or just a portion of it?

In the future will Nutcracker have a way of creating timings itself, like other applications? The timings created in Superstar seem to be right on the money, which is really helpful. But Nutcracker seems to be easier to use to create effects for RGB items.
Thanks for all your hard work on this great app!


60 seconds meant how long it takes to create a beat track on any song. Wizards of winter created 240 rows of beats in 50 seconds. So you get every beat in your song, it just can take up to one minute for the utility to generate the beat tracks.
I have a question about this. I DLed the vamp plugins and when I look for the folder C:\Program Files\Vamp Plugins to copy the 2 required files, I can not locate it. I have looked in both the Program files and the Program files(x86). Am I missing something? I put the Vamp plugin file on my desktop for easy access for the time being. I am running windows 7 64 bit if that helps. Thanks for any assistance....
zanclus said:
my issue is I cant find " the location" they want it put....

The README.txt file

QM Vamp Plugins

Vamp audio feature extraction plugins from the Centre for Digital
Music at Queen Mary, University of London.

Version 1.7.

For more information about Vamp plugins, see .

About This Release

This release corresponds to a change in the licensing terms under
which the QM plugins are published (from a closed-source license to
the GPL). It contains no new functionality over 1.6.

Plugins Included

This plugin set includes the following plugins:

* Note onset detector

* Beat tracker and tempo estimator

* Key estimator and tonal change detector

* Adaptive multi-resolution FFT spectrogram

* Polyphonic note transcription estimator

* Segmenter, to divide a track into a consistent sequence of segments

* Timbral and rhythmic similarity between audio tracks

* Wavelet scalogram (discrete wavelet transform)

* Chromagram, constant-Q spectrogram, and MFCC calculation plugins

For full details about the plugins, with references, please see


These plugins are provided under the terms of the GNU General Public
License. You may install and use the plugin binaries without fee for
any purpose commercial or non-commercial. You may also modify and
redistribute the plugins in source or binary form, provided you comply
with the terms given by the GNU General Public License. See the file
COPYING for more details.

If you wish to use these plugins in a proprietary application or
product for which the terms of the GPL are not appropriate, please
contact the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary, University of
London for further licensing terms.

Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Queen Mary, University of London.

To Install

Installation depends on your operating system.

Win 32 -> Copy qm-vamp-plugins.dll, and
qm-vamp-plugins.n3 to C:\Program Files\Vamp Plugins\

Win 64 -> Copy qm-vamp-plugins.dll, and
qm-vamp-plugins.n3 to C:\Program Files\Vamp Plugins (x86)\

OS/X -> Copy qm-vamp-plugins.dylib, and
qm-vamp-plugins.n3 to $HOME/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp/
or /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp/

Linux -> Copy, and
qm-vamp-plugins.n3 to $HOME/vamp/ or /usr/local/lib/vamp/
or /usr/lib/vamp/