Bulk Buy Rules - Effective Feb 8th 2012


Dedicated elf
Jun 20, 2009
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Hi All

The following changes for Bulk Buys organised on ACL will take effect immediately, 8th Feb 2012 as there are no active Bulk Buys.

These will be posted in the Bulk Buy section as well

We invite members to be active in our community and to help the community by doing what they can. One thing members can do is run Bulk Buys for items members want but are too costly in low numbers.
A goal for AUSCHRISTMASLIGHTING is to assist members in saving money were possible through bulk purchases of components. One way to achieve that is through Bulk purchases -- for electrical and electronic components members want. Frequently, these items are costly in low numbers but become less expensive when larger quantities are purchased.

The following are the rules to follow in running and participating in a Bulk Buy. We ask that you follow both the rules and their intent.

You may not purchase items with the intent to resell them to our forum members at a profit.

Following the rules outlined below, you may gather a group of members together and order the items they would like in a quantity they want and share the savings.

The Bulk Buy manager may order reasonable levels of extra items at the time of the Bulk Buy, these units must be priced to match the Bulk Buy cost. The rules are for the benefit of the everyone.


Bulk Buy RULES

1. All Bulk Buys and their managers must be approved by an administrator of AUSCHRISTMASLIGHTING prior to the posting being made. All Bulk Buys must be operated by a legal adult and may not be managed by a minor.

2. Bulk Buys will be open to all members of AUSCHRISTMASLIGHTING forum.

3. A bill of materials (BOM) will be posted when the Bulk Buy is started and will include projected totals for price break-points (10, 25, 50, etc.), as well as the date and time when the Bulk Buy sign-up ends. If an order grows beyond largest listed price break-point, the costs should be recalculated and re-posted to insure the users get the cheapest price. The goal is to get the parts as cheap as possible for members.

4. Bulk Buys will have a maximum open time of no more than 28 days. No additional orders beyond the published cut-off date will be allowed, unless a minimum quantity has not been reached and the Bulk Buy manager decides it is in the best interest of the Bulk Buy to extend it. Time extensions MUST be authourised by an administrator of the Forum.

5. Shipping will be estimated at the commencement of the Bulk Buy, however it is acknowledged that in Australia shipping is based on weight and may need to be calculated after the parts have arrived. For US based Bulk Buys, Flat rate shipping should be used. In the event that shipping is not known at the commencement of the Bulk Buy then FINAL shipping cost will be advised as soon as possible.

6. Payment and Levies:

6a. All bulk Buys will have a EIGHT Percent levy applied to the BOM Cost. This levy will be divided with FIVE percent being used for Forum running costs and THREE percent Bulk Buy contingency fund. The Contingency Fund will cover last minute variations in component costs as well as items such as packaging. The Bulk Buy Levy is known on the forum as the CLAPTax.

6b. All Bulk Buy payments are to be paid through PayPal. Bulk Buys are capped at $5000, which includes a EIGHT percent (8%) Bulk Buy Levy and the PayPal payment fees included in this cap. The Bulk Buy is soft-capped and can be extended only under the agreement of AussiePhil, AUSCHRISTMASLIGHTING Owner.

6c. Since PayPal fees are different between same-country transfers and foreign transfers, pricing should allow for this difference.

6d. Generous Elf members may redeem a FIVE percent discount on the Bulk Buy Levy by requesting it with the Bulk Buy Manager. ( see http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1857.0.html for more info on Generous Elf )

7. The Bulk Buy manager must have a PayPal premier account in order to accept credit card transactions.

8. There will be no modifications to the Bulk Buy for individuals -- what is offered is only what the Bulk Buy manager lists in the start of the Bulk Buy. Managers should limit the variety of choices to prevent confusion as to what the members are ordering.

9. Bulk Buy members are required to send via PayPal the amount of their order before managers place supplier orders and no manager will be allowed to order Bulk Buy kits for anyone who has not paid in advance of the order cut off date.

10. As part of all Bulk Buy payments, members must make certain the shipping address listed in PayPal is accurate and that in the PayPal payments notes section they include their AUSCHRISTMASLIGHTING user name and details about the order. Any payments without the user name or details will require the manager to refund the payment with a note of the issue and request for it to be resent.
Managers are not responsible for items shipped to an inaccurately provided shipping address; members who provide an inaccurate shipping address will be responsible for the loss of the items or any secondary shipping fees.

11. The managers are required to post the status of the Bulk Buy at least weekly, even when there is no change to status. This is to insure everyone feels comfortable and well informed.

12. Once the Bulk Buy order has been placed with suppliers, all member orders are final -- orders cannot be cancelled. This is to protect the manager from being stuck with cancelled orders.

13. All Bulk Buy orders are an agreement between the manager and the member. The forum staff, owner, or other representatives have no responsibility or liability in the process. By entering into a Bulk Buy order you agree that you understand this and agree to accept any risk.

14. There will be no excess ordering on Bulk Buys for stock. Reasonable extras may be ordered if a continued demand is expected. This must be approved in advance and all pricing must be at Bulk Buy levels. Absolutely NO profiteering will be tolerated.

15. These rules are not the limit, but just an outline. Anyone not abiding by the rules or their intent in the operation of a Bulk Buy can and will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

16. Individual Bulk Buys may impose further rules, these cannot contradict any rules listed above and must be in accordance with with all other rules and guidelines of the forum.

17. All participants and their orders MUST be listed in the bulk buy thread.

18. Off-site tools may be used to manage the Bulk Buy and collect orders and payments, however this must be approved by an AUSCHRISTMASLIGHTING Administrator prior to the Bulk Buy commencing and must still utilise Paypal as the payment method.
Bulk Buy Managers are still required to accept orders via the Bulk Buy thread in addition to the Off-site tool.
18a. Rule 17 must be obeyed regardless and details updated regularly.


Feedback may be place in this thread... http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1858.msg15223.html#msg15223
