bypassing contoller on led rope snowfakes


New elf
Dec 26, 2012
Hi I have seen a few posts about bypassing multifunction controllers on led strings. I wanted to know if this was possible on led rope light motifs? I have accumulated a few 2 colour snowflakes and would like to run them through my 240v LOR controller. Some are from Vicky Sun and some from Budtrol. Is the process the same as led strings to make them steady? Or more complicated? I should add I have not attempted this before. I am sorry in advance if this has been covered elsewhere.
The 1st step is going to be to take a photo of the outside and preferably the inside of the controllerd. If it is a true 240V rope light and there is multiple channels that you are wanting to control separately then you may have an issue besides the controller itself. Getting power safely from your LOR AC board into multiple channels and leaving no possibility that an unplugged lead might have 240V on it might be an issue.
Thanks for the advice. I think the safer step may be to restring the frames. I don't want to risk a mistake with my beginners wiring!!