Changing brightness on a schedule?


New elf
Oct 31, 2018
My block is full of mostly old people. But I've got kids and pixels, so I'm spreading my light pollution cheer all over the neighborhood - and loving it. I've only got a couple hundred pixels this year, so it's not really completely obnoxious (yet). I run them at 40% brightness.

But, to be conscientious, I'm wondering if I could dial back the brightness at a given time of the night. Yeah, I could turn them off, but the all night glow of Christmas lights is festive, I think.

So anyway, is there a way I can dynamically change the brightness level according to a schedule? I know I can dim an effect during a sequence, dial the brightness back on the controller at a port level, etc. but I haven't seen anything that allows for runtime changing of pixel brightness.

I'm running xlights --> FPP --> Falcon Controller
Found the below in the source code, so you can make a call to the API to modify the brightness -

The Brightness plugin also provides a REST api and MQTT api for controlling the brightness.
For REST, use a URL like http://{ip}/api/plugin-apis/Brightness/100 to set the brightness
to 100.
For MQTT, the sub-topic is "/Brightness" and the payload would be the brightness.
If FPP is running in Master mode, changes to the master brightness will also be sent to all the remotes that also have the Brightness plugin installed.
You can make different versions of the same sequence with different brightness levels and then with the scheduler and FPP set up what time you want the brightness version to turn on.
I run a different play list after 10 Sunday - Thursday with a more sedate set of sequences that have the brightness turned down on the effects. That way the brightness is turned down but so is the high speed jumping between effects which can be just as bad.
Great suggestions, thanks everyone. I like the idea of switching to a more subdued sequence too. I'll be taking these suggestions - hopefully tonight.