Configuring both a P2 and D2 in Vixen


New elf
Nov 6, 2012
So I've set up the IP's as the following:
P2 - (running 500 nodes or 1500 channels)
D2 - (Running Ray's 27 RGB controller)

I have both connected to a router. In Vixen the only options I have are multicast local area connection. How does Vixen know which is which? Do I add a second J1sys E1.31 plugin?

Do I just start the D2 at channel 1501? How do I configure this in protocol parameters?

With multicast both controllers will see all the network traffic and only process the data that is meant for their IP address. You can setup Unicast as well by right mouse click on the ip/multicast setup dropdown box area and then you can input an IP address.
But realistically multicast is easier and wont be an issue for you as the network traffic you would generate would be very low. Im still using multicast with my setup and it peaks at just under 25% network usage and thats approx 10000 channels.
Cool thanks for the tip for unicast.

So if I use multicast, how do I map out the channels? I guess I'm unclear on how Vixen knows what channel goes to what controller (P2 or D2). Do I configure this through the ethcon?
Im not sure about vixen as i dont use it, but the plugin im fairly sure is the same as Lightshow Pro, so if this is the case then download the ECG-P12R manual as there is a section on configuring and explaining the 3 steps required. The same will apply with Vixen and the P2 and D2, hope that helps.

There is also a video explaining how to setup the E1.31 plugin with LSP so the same theory should apply for vixen if the plug in is similar which I believe it is.