Convert HLS to XL


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Dec 5, 2012
Swansea, NSW
I'm looking to convert from HLS to XL this year. I watched a video on the conversion process and have started to convert, but I'm having to map channels at the node level (due to setup within HLS). This was a slightly lengthy process for most of my models, but my matrix is a whole different story. Alone it has 3000 nodes. Is there a different process available other than the drop down list shown in this video? Can I use a csv file or something to drop the info in? Is there a better way to get this done? Am I using the correct process or is there a better way?
I just don't know much about the HLS import. I believe Dan wrote that code. I will say importing RGB data tends to make xLights look bad because you are literally creating 1000's of tiny effects. The effects have to be populated on every node whereas the original effect at the model level was a single effect taking up one line in an XML file. If you just want to bring it in as a data layer you wouldn't need to do all that mapping I don't believe but you would need to have an exact matchup for channel alignment.
All is good now. Boof63 steered me in the right direction with the conversion process. I was making it much harder than it needed to be. I have a new canvas to light up this year, so I'm converting my old sequences as a base for new sequences and new elements/models. I'm on my way now!