Converting Premade LOR sequences to RGB


Full time elf
Sep 24, 2012

I created my first sequence but would like to add 1-2 more quickly. If I buy a premade sequence then is it fairly easy to convert it to my E1.31 setup? Is it as simple as converting the channels to RGB in the sequence and everything will behave correctly?
There are thousands of sequences that are available for free if you do some googling. Once you have an existing sequence running you can export that channel configuration and then import it into other sequences.
Just tried to download a premade sequence but when i imported my channel configuration it didnt go smoothly. I have a bunch of RGB channels and the sequence I used had standard LOR channels. I was trying to get a second sequence up quickly being only few weeks left and i am barely getting my first display up this year.
is the trick to convert the channels to rgb first then import my rgb channels?