Developers: Do you want to create a Nutcracker 3.0 effect?


Dedicated elf
Jan 19, 2012
4217 Greenfinch Dr CO 80126
Are you a C++ developer? If not, skip the rest of this post.
Want to make a new cool effect for Nutcracker?

I have written 3 tutorials to help you. Remember that I am not a C++ programmer, now a windows developer. I have learned enough to know how to add new effects to the Nutcracker code that Matt wrote.

Part1: Setting up your machine to be able to build the xLights project file.
You need just 3 parts to build xlights/nutcracker, Code::Blocks, mingw and wxWidgets.

Part2: Now that you can compile the current copy of xLights, we need to add our new effect into the wxWidgets gui. After this tutorial you should know how to add a pnale, a slider bar and stuff.

Part3: Now that we have added the gui stuff, lets actually modify the code to make an effect. We will use the spirograph effect as our straw man.

The source files can be downloaded from

in the nutcracker/docs directory is a document, "How_To_Add_effects_To_Nutcracker.pdf". This is referenced in the 3rd tutorial.

Check out the code, build a project, add an effect.

Here are two examples of the C++ code that makes effects you have used. You will notice they are not that complicated.

First the Twinkle effect

void RgbEffects::RenderTwinkle(int Count)

int x,y,i,i7,r,ColorIdx;
int lights = (BufferHt*BufferWi)*(Count/100.0); // Count is in range of 1-100 from slider bar
int step=BufferHt*BufferWi/lights;
if(step<1) step=1;
srand(1); // always have the same random numbers for each frame (state)
wxImage::HSVValue hsv; // we will define an hsv color model. The RGB colot model would have been "wxColour color;"

size_t colorcnt=GetColorCount();


for (y=0; y<BufferHt; y++) // For my 20x120 megatree, BufferHt=120
for (x=0; x<BufferWi; x++) // BufferWi=20 in the above example
if(i%step==0) // Should we draw a light?
// Yes, so now decide on what color it should be

ColorIdx=rand() % colorcnt; // Select random numbers from 0 up to number of colors the user has checked. 0-5 if 6 boxes checked
palette.GetHSV(ColorIdx, hsv); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
i7=(state/4+rand())%9; // Our twinkle is 9 steps. 4 ramping up, 5th at full brightness and then 4 more ramping down
// Note that we are adding state to this calculation, this causes a different blink rate for each light

if(i7==0 || i7==8) hsv.value = 0.1;
if(i7==1 || i7==7) hsv.value = 0.3;
if(i7==2 || i7==6) hsv.value = 0.5;
if(i7==3 || i7==5) hsv.value = 0.7;
if(i7==4 ) hsv.value = 1.0;
// we left the Hue and Saturation alone, we are just modifiying the Brightness Value
SetPixel(x,y,hsv); // Turn pixel on

The second effect is Spirograph
void RgbEffects::RenderSpirograph(int int_R, int int_r, int int_d)
#define PI 3.14159265
int i,x,y,k,xc,yc,ColorIdx;
int mod1440,state360;
float R,r,d,d_orig,t;
wxImage::HSVValue hsv,hsv0,hsv1; // we will define an hsv color model. The RGB colot model would have been "wxColour color;"
size_t colorcnt=GetColorCount();

xc= (int)(BufferWi/2); // 20x100 flex strips with 2 fols per strip = 40x50
yc= (int)(BufferHt/2);
R=xc*(int_R/100.0); // Radius of the large circle just fits in the width of model
r=xc*(int_r/100.0); // start little circle at 1/4 of max width
if(r>R) r=R;
ColorIdx=rand() % colorcnt; // Select random numbers from 0 up to number of colors the user has checked. 0-5 if 6 boxes checked
palette.GetHSV(ColorIdx, hsv); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
palette.GetHSV(0, hsv0);
palette.GetHSV(1, hsv1);
// A hypotrochoid is a roulette traced by a point attached to a circle of radius r rolling around the inside of a fixed circle of radius R, where the point is a distance d from the center of the interior circle.
//The parametric equations for a hypotrochoid are:[citation needed]
// more info:
//x(t) = (R-r) * cos t + d*cos ((R-r/r)*t);
//y(t) = (R-r) * sin t + d*sin ((R-r/r)*t);

state360 = state%360;
for(i=1; i<=360; i++)
d = (int)(d_orig+state/2)%100;
t = (i+mod1440)*PI/180;
x = (R-r) * cos (t) + d*cos ((R-r/r)*t) + xc;
y = (R-r) * sin (t) + d*sin ((R-r/r)*t) + yc;
if(i<=state360) SetPixel(x,y,hsv0); // Turn pixel on
else SetPixel(x,y,hsv1);

I would ask that you NOT check back your changes without contacting me first. So, go ahead, try out some effects!
