Disney Electrical Parade 16 Ribbon CCR Tree


Whilst not my thing per se, I have to respect and admire the time and energy that goes into the sequencing of that. It is seriously impressive and certainly makes me think about ways to improve my own sequencing.


Very Nice...
That definitely took some time and a lot of patience.
One question I have been meaning to ask in regards to LOR Superstar. Do you import pictures into SS or create them on a grid/matrix within SS?
I know the simple one's I have made thus far for my 12 strip tree were in Pixsel or Paint and then imported in using Nutcracker and then run using HLS.
Very nice. Truly a showcase song. Sometimes doing things a little at a time gives you time to figure out where and what to place in the music. Glad you took the time to do it right.
Very nice. I really enjoyed your sequencing skills.
I used this song in my 2014 show.
I originally thought people wouldn't sit through the whole thing and I would get some turn over, but sure enough almost everyone stayed for the whole song and more.
