Display location : FM frequency error


Full time elf
Dec 13, 2015
Hi all, just tried to post show ;location, finally got it sorted, wont accept the radio frequency keeps asking for a valid number !!! thought 102.2 was valid, what am i doing wrong ?

As darylc says use an "odd" number 102.1 102.3 etc

Some car radios will not tune to the evens.
Don't know, set transmitter to 102.2 and my radio in vehicle and base station picked it up, radio stations may transmit on odd frequency but is there a reason why we cant transmit on an even frequency ?
I just changed mine to 102.2 and saved it - seemed to work for me. (just changed it back to 91.8 which is what I use this year)

I've not heard of the odd number rule, but the even frequency works for me
Please try creating your display location without the FM frequency. Afterwards, I will try and add the frequency on your behalf. :)

What browser did you experience the valid number error? Does the error persist even with a different frequency (odd/even step)? If editing an existing display listing, what was the original frequency (or was it blank)?

There is a possibility that there might be a browser-specific bug with a part of the XenForo software that handles showing 'number' fields. I've not personally experienced the error but two other members have. If I can come up with a reliable method for reproducing the problem them I can report the bug to the XenForo developers. Otherwise it might be necessary for me to abandon the number field and take a different approach.

PS: Odd/even stepping shouldn't matter from an error point of view. It is true that odd stepping is recommended in Australia, though!
Thanks, will try and redo location, web browser used is Microsoft Edge, thanks for advice

It is arbitrary, but be careful as some car radios, digital especially, will not attempt to tune the even numbers. They may pick up your station, but it will be 100khz either side and be low quality, which may not be a good thing.
yes I initially fell to the same issue, found a nice quiet frequency, had a Tune To sign professionally printed and then found out about the odds rule.
Fixed the sign with duct tape and a sharp knife.
Thanks, 102.2 worked ok in man cave, but had interference problems out front of house, changed frequency to 98.1 all OK, good reception on radio at front and in vehicles, only problem is the ACL web site wont accept 98.1 as a frequency or 98.10, keeps telling me enter valid number, the frequency is 98.1 what more can I do. So have left that item blank;
