Does LED order matter with matrixed strings?


New elf
Apr 2, 2023
Very first post but want to make sure my layout doesn't cause problems learning xLights.

I have two 250 RGB Twinkly string sets and fitted the LEDS to a 20x25 grid panel.
I noticed some colour variation between the 2 sets so reconfigured the layout

Each set is 2 strings, so lets call the strings in Set1, A and B, and in Set 2, C and D.
My layout now goes A1 C1..........A125 C125 B1 D1 ...........B125 D125

This solved the colour problem as I've blended the 2 sets but will this cause any problems in xLights ?
It really doesn't matter how you layout the individual pixels as long as you tell the controller or the software program where they are.
You basically have to go through and set up each pixel to a set position, so the more there are the longer it will take. But if it has done what you need, then go for it. You will only need to do it once..... Unless you don't back up your work and you have a computer crash :unsure: xD
On a side note... I find it funny how you asked a question about xlights and 2 vixen users responded O_O