Dumb vs Smart Pixel


New elf
Nov 30, 2020
Hello, new user from NZ here!

I've been trying to figure out which controller I need to get started with. As I understand it, the difference between dumb and smart pixels is the number of controller channels needed? My question is, can a single controller run both smart and dumb pixels (depending on the number of available channels available of course).

Hello and Welcome!

Smart pixels use more channels, but each pixel can be individually controlled (so each pixel uses 3 channels, one for Red, Green and Blue colours for every pixel).
Dumb strings use 3 channels only per string, but all of the string can only ever be the same colour (all Red, Blue or Green (or blends of these colours)).

Generally smart/dumb pixels will require different controllers to operate, as at their core they are connected differently.

A smart pixel will have a Positive, Negative and Data connection
A dumb string will have a Red, Green, Blue and -ve connection.

Controllers for pixels will be configured for +ve, -ve and Data, so you won't be able to simply connect dumb strings.

The good news is there are other boards you can purchase that are also compatible with Pixel Controllers, that you can connect dumb pixels to, such as

http://www.hansonelectronics.com.au/product/2811dc30/ This board connects to a pixel controller, and your dumb strings to it
http://www.hansonelectronics.com.au/product/dmx18/ This board uses the DMX protocol, so you can use a DMX bridge, a pixel controller DMX output or a DMX dongle for example
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1558064774.html same as previous example, but a cheaper alternative

In all honesty though, if you're thinking about moving into animated displays, or can at least see yourself moving down the pixel path in the future, consider not purchasing dumb strings.

You can start with a Raspberry Pi and a Pi Hat, these are relatively cheap compared to a full-blown controller, and you can dip your toes in before you spend all of your money on your new addiction.

There will be multiple ways of acheiving your goals, tell us what you'd like to do and we can give you some pointers on how best to achieve that.
That's answered my question exactly! Thanks.

My thinking is to just go down the smart pixel route from the start. A Pi does sound like a good starting point too.
Are there any specific Pi Hats people use over others? One that’s readily available in OZ/NZ for a Raspberry Pi?
My end goal is to create a tree but I’d like to start playing around with a small strip setup first.