ECG-P2 and LSP 2.5


Full time elf
Feb 8, 2012
Once the firmware is updated for the ECG-P2 and it can drive 2 x 4 universes, how will that be set up in LSP, would it be a single zone and configured the same as a PIXAD8 with 8 straight universes or 2 lots of 4 universes or some other configuration?
I have a roof matrix that is 10 x 36 (360 pixels), I am using a ECG-P2 to drive it, in LSP I wanted to make this as 1 controller (for ease of sequencing it) but as the ECG-P2 drives the matrix as 170 pixels (511 channels with 2 left over) and another 170 (again 511 channels with 2 left over) plus the last 20 pixels, at the cross over from 1 universe to the next LSP is making the 171st pixel and the subsequent pixels a different colour, Channel (509, 510,511) control pixel 170, Channel (512,513) control nothing Channel (514) controls the first colour of pixel 171 and channel (515,516) control the next 2 colours of pixel 171 and so on. By the third universe the RGB sequence is even further out. So after all that my question is how can I set this up to be just the 1 LSP controller or will I still have to make 3 separate ones, is it possible to remove the two channels and make the RGB Channel (509,510,511) and (514,515,516) instead of (512,513,514) and (515,516,517) ect.
I have a matrix consisting of 2080 pixels. Each output of the 2 driving P2's drives 520 pixels (3 universes + 10 pixels).

In LSP I created a single group of 2080 RGB Channels in a continuous group. In the P2 I selected the universe numbers (180, 181, 182 etc) and set the universe size as 510 channels. In the LSP putput configurations I just said that channels starting 13828 and 510 channels long go to universe 180, 14338 size 510 to univ 181 etc etc.
Thx Dave, had a play with a similar idea last night, but mine didn't work, LOL, tried what you suggested and all is good

Great news. I was suprised at how easy it was to set up with the P2 and LSP. I hoped the way I did it would work and no problems at all. The P2's are also quick enough to drive the 2080 nodes of the screen with no noticeable flicker, even at high frame rates (ok I can see it, but JUST, and the public are not as picky).
Dave, forgot to add, how long till we get to see a video of the amazing sounding matrix. I'm hanging out for a look.
Regardless if its a P2, P12R, DR4 or E68x controller, they are all E1.31 controllers within LSP so set up not as controllers but as elements. Its all about the channel range being used for an element being allocated to a universe which then the E1.31 controller will see and output its allocated channels.

If you havent already then take a look at this video which will explain the relationship between elements, channels, universe and controller outputs when using LSP with E1.31.
mick8248 said:
Dave, forgot to add, how long till we get to see a video of the amazing sounding matrix. I'm hanging out for a look.

There is a poor video online already, but I might see if I can get a decent capture tonight or more likely tomorrow as I have added a lot more items, including 3 photographs that do look good, especially at a distance.

As eddy said I set up my e1.31 items as elements. My P12R for instance powers 6 arches (3 outputs), 12 candy canes and 10 tubes on 2 outputs, 4 sets of tree lights on 4 outputs, a shooting star on 1 output and 2 tune to signs on another output. Each set of lights on an item is 1 element so instead of 1 controller I have about 32 seperate elements