Excited to get started!


New elf
Nov 8, 2020
Hey all, can’t wait to get started on a pixel based display. However I think it might end up being ready for 2021! Thanks for the 101 guide. Incredible resource!

One general question I have, is with regards to the F16V3, can it support 1024 RGB pixels per output, so a total of 16,384 lights? Or should that be divided by 3 for the R G and B channels?
Thanks everyone!
Welcome to ACL.

The Falcon F16v3 supports 1024 pixels per output, each pixel is then broken down to 3 channels per pixel which is for each colour R G and B. The Falcon supports up to 49152 channels.

If you are planning to run a show in 2021 don't worry you'll have plenty of time to work it all out, plus many people here are willing to help if you get stuck.
Welcome to ACL!

1024 3 channel pixels per port.
So 16,384 3 channel pixels in total.
Awesome, thanks @Mark_M.
So on that note, expansion boards would be used for big displays or where there is further distance between props.
I’m estimating my initial display will be between 1500-4,000 pixels. The higher end if I end up trying to build a matrix.
Got to say, this forum and its members are amazing. Thank you!
Welcome to ACL.

The Falcon F16v3 supports 1024 pixels per output, each pixel is then broken down to 3 channels per pixel which is for each colour R G and B. The Falcon supports up to 49152 channels.

If you are planning to run a show in 2021 don't worry you'll have plenty of time to work it all out, plus many people here are willing to help if you get stuck.
Thanks @Snitz87!
If you are having props that are going to be far away from your main control box look at getting something like the differential expansion board and use the smart receivers, it allows you to use ethernet cable and have them up to 250f away from the controller.
If you are having props that are going to be far away from your main control box look at getting something like the differential expansion board and use the smart receivers, it allows you to use ethernet cable and have them up to 250f away from the controller.
Depends on @emmersive 's display distance. It's cheaper to use an F16v3 and pixel amplifiers (Hanson electronics or F-AMP).
I'd say a distance up to 15m with decently amplified signals would be achievable.

An F48 with receiver boards is for extremely distance outputs, or in my case to locate the controller inside and run diff boards outside.
... on that note, expansion boards would be used for big displays or where there is further distance between props.
I’m estimating my initial display will be between 1500-4,000 pixels. ...

Using expansion boards and Smart Receivers causes an exception to the Falcon's F16V3 1024 pixels per port. Expansion devices increase the number of ports available for pixel connections but the total number of pixels for the board stay the same (16384). That is, expansion ports are shared with the main board ports and depending upon Smart Receiver connections, between receivers. Port sharing is configured with the F16V3's web interface and the manual describes this in more detail.
Using expansion boards and Smart Receivers causes an exception to the Falcon's F16V3 1024 pixels per port. Expansion devices increase the number of ports available for pixel connections but the total number of pixels for the board stay the same (16384). That is, expansion ports are shared with the main board ports and depending upon Smart Receiver connections, between receivers. Port sharing is configured with the F16V3's web interface and the manual describes this in more detail.
Thanks Terry, that makes sense.