Fairy lights


New elf
May 25, 2014
Corona, CA
Does anyone know how to hook together multiple strand of fairy lights? A neighbor gave me about 25 sets but unfortunately thy cannot be plugged into one another like traditional light strings.

I wanted to modify so I can put 2-3 strings on one 120V outlet. These fairy lights have the controller as well that make them twinkle etc. I want to remove the controller and just hook 2-3 strings together

They are just like the ones below........

I love the comment on these lights

Voltage: 110V. Notes: Keep the lights away from dampness or rain

I hope you dont plan to use these outside.

LED strings are made up of series and parralled lights. So you will find a certain number of LEDs make up a series circuit and then there will be another series LED circuit that is connected parralel to the othe series circuit. So all you need to do is add additional strings in parrallel to the first string, so that may mean adding an extra wire or 2 depending on the construction of the strings you have. The issue may be that the wire is so thin that it makes these not connectable due to the thin wire guage used and voltage drop issues.

Generally i tell people to keep away from these cheap and nasty mains LED light strings as they are low quality and not very good outdoors. At least in the link you gave they are honest enough to mention this, but ive seen many a listing saying the opposite.
thanks Fasteddy I figured as much but they were free so I thought I would try to use them somehow. :D