FAST Tubes in Australia


New elf
Nov 11, 2013
Hi guys,

I've been looking at getting some FAST (Finally Affordable Snowfall Tubes) from this presale on DIY led express:

But I'm not sure where to get the actual tubes locally. This is the ones suggested for guys in the US:

Has anyone seen these around anywhere?

This is the thread from do it yourself christmas where it goes into more detail about these kits:
The Fast Tubes are great, I built some a couple of years ago and everybody comments on those first in my display.
When I did the group buy the tubes were part of the deal so sorry cant help with any locally.
Maybe you could try using the clear tube that bunnings sell, that should be big enough to slide the boards down. The boards themselves should keep it straight.
Thanks for the info guys.

Hi smartalec, what size wooden dowel did you use approximately, around the diameter to match the width of the PCB?

Also did you just position (or glue) the wood dowel behind the PCB? Seems too easy!
i'll take some more photo's tonight - OK here's the pic's
The heatshrink i choose covers the controller board an goes rock solid when shrunk


8mm wood dowl an the heatshrink was 4cm when it was flat (if that helps)

Thanks for the info, really appreciated. Definitely going to get me some FAST!