Finally got a video of 2014

worked like a charm Rowan.
Looks great.
I like your megatree ... and REALLY like those candy canes!
Reuploading now. Hoping that if I don't call it ghostbusters that it might sneak through.

They didn't agree with my assessment that it was a not for profit video that in no way causes any harm to the brand.

I don't even collect for a charity! So it's clearly not for profit.

</Rant over>

Rowan I like your star can you tell me about it? wear you got it or did you build it / do you have any pictures of it ?
The following link has lots of photos of all the things I've built for my display. Haven't added many photos from this year as yet, but star was made last year.

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]That's a nice display battle79 and there is clearly a lot of work in it; well sequenced too.[/font]

The video quality is very impressive. How did you manage that?
The star is amazing,
If it's not trouble I would love to duplicate it and we can share effects.

I also use Vixen and will use the Pi 2015.
Can you provide the specifications please?
The star has 10 arms of 17 pixels radiating out for the centre.

3 Stars of 100, 60, & 20. The inside one also get pixels from the radial arms included when programing to bring it up to 30. Helps make it look star shaped. Bigger ones could also be added but they are good enough as is.

End of each arm has 4 pixels for a sparkle type effect.

It's about 1.2mtrs across (4ft for stone age people), and made from 12mm square tubing.

Brother is a welder so I kind of cheated by getting him to make it. At least I know the welds will hold this way.

Very nice work, i seriously love the mega tree star, what are the chances of plans, or maybe even paying your brother to make another one up, i reckon you will get alot of these requests, its amazing, i want a mega tree but the wife and daughter want a firework and the star design you have would be perfect, anyways you should be happy with your efforts because it looks amazing