Finally.. it's done for 2019


Full time elf
Jun 9, 2010
Ferntree Gully, VIC
So doing a few years with static lights and finally committing to getting a show up this year, I finally made it.

Building the props during the year, and creating rough lengths of cable gave me a good head start to test most of it in the garage before it went outside. Having the props I could test when I had time, and eventually plonk them outside made it a lot easier to set up.

I had a few small issues in counting pixels, but that was easily solved with renumbering a few things in xLights.

I probably left my sequencing a bit late, as I felt my techniques in the app were slow, often thinking there must be a quicker way when adjusting effects across lots of elements. I was learning on the job. Lacking some musical/artistic flair I caved in and used random effects in some parts or just did anything to get it done to ship it! I cringe, but people on the street just like any flashing lights.

To add to the playlist, I exported my old Wizards in Winter from LOR 9 years ago. I was amazed at how easy that process was.

Thanks to everyone here and at the Melb mini for the support. I'm so glad I got something out, regardless of quantity and quality, as I've gained a lot of experience, and looking forward to adding and improving on it for 2020.

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2019 was our first year to music as well.

I underestimated my ability to sequence.. I can picture how I want things but can never seem to translate that to the actual sequence. My wife is much better at sequencing that I am so I left most of that to her :)

creating rough lengths of cable gave me a good head start to test most of it in the garage before it went outside. Having the props I could test when I had time, and eventually plonk them outside made it a lot easier to set up.

This is a great approach, and is advice I received at one of the Sydney (Newcastle) mini's, it definitely helps weed out any data / power injection issues while there's still time to fix it and before it's all out in the yard.

often thinking there must be a quicker way when adjusting effects across lots of elements

You can CTRL+Click on a bunch of effects in your sequence and right click on whatever box you want to change and select Bulk Edit. You also have the possibility of exporting effects that you're happy with and re-import them at a later stage (I haven't exactly worked this part out yet).

but people on the street just like any flashing lights.

Exactly! Those in the know will pick it to pieces but joe-blow on the street will still be blown away, and in the end, there are more joe-blow's looking at your house.

and looking forward to adding and improving on it for 2020.

Having a look at your vids now, first piece of advice from one newbie to another. I think your tune-to sign needs to be bigger!
Thanks for the feedback. My wife also said the ‘tune to ‘ sign needed to be bigger. (Assuming pre-approval for more P10 panels).

The editing issues I had were when I wanted to move a bunch of effects one beat marker to the right/left. If the next beat marker was slightly bigger or smaller (can’t remember which), I had to adjust the width to make it fit.

Great job with yours in your first year. Nice mega tree.
Very late reply but in case it helps still, I think the buttons you need are the "Paste by Time" or "Paste by Cell"