Finally making the leap


New elf
Dec 26, 2012
North Richland Hills, TX
I've really enjoyed computer controlled christmas lights for years. As a computer engineer I've always been interested in trying it myself. I've been casually browsing planetchristmas for years and I've had a mega tree in the yard for 4 years now. I've even welded a custom star and managed to elevate the bottom to make it look more like a christmas tree. However, the display has always been static. I've looked at LOR units and even some of the DIY Renard board. I have to say even with the Computer Engineering degree the thought of soldering a board scares me a bit. Also having additional breaker panel's put in kept me for going down the A/C switchers with the LORs.

After reading the 101 manual I've decided to finally take the leap and start with the mega tree. The plan is to use 2811 pixel nodes and E1.31 network and J1SYS controllers.

Let me know if anyone has any helpful advice for this type of setup

careful that leap will be the biggest you have made in a long time. welcome aboard, trust me, you dont need to be a rocket scientist or even a Masterchef contestant to do this stuff, there are always people around to help you out with any questions you have.

to ACL CMartin

Where are you located?
Sounds like you have the right idea going. Folks smarter than I will chime in and help you iron out the details.
The details will help you save time and $$.
Welcome to ACL, As you go along then ask questions and use the forum search function to find answers and then there is finally the chat room where you can get many answers to your questions
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I'm in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area TX USA. I know most of you are probably aussies so g'day mates! Or how we say it in Texas, Howdy Y'all.
cmartin97 said:
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I'm in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area TX USA. I know most of you are probably aussies so g'day mates! Or how we say it in Texas, Howdy Y'all.

You would be surprised about how many US members we have. Just because the forum is called AusChristmasLighting doesnt mean its just for Aussies, The more the merrier i say :D