First step towards sequencing and starting with 2 wire strings


New elf
Oct 23, 2019
Ive been lurking and reading up here for several years and have just taken the first step towards sequencing after finally managing to read through the 101 manual.
I've been using 2 wire string and rope lights for many years now and plan to automate and synchronize them as the first step and then look at pixels in future.
Just after some experienced eyes to look over the plan/details and any guidance/feedback/tips would be much appreciated

I've placed and order with Hanson Electronics for
DMX2-24 board
S-200-31 power supply (24v-35v adjustable)
USB-DMX dongle
Raspberry Pi 3B+

The plan is to start with using the inbuilt classic mode on the DMX2-24 board (hoping each set of outputs are timed differently so they don't all run the same sequence at same time)
Then if time allows start creating a very basic show with xlights to run with falcon player on a raspberry pi (might have left it a bit late for this bit this year with my current schedule). Most likely looking for pre made sequences to start with like what the strings come with but having the ability to synchronism several strings to the same sequence.

In some instances I'm planing to connect multiple strings to a single 2 channel output to have them in sync with the same pattern along with reducing the board outputs used and scheduling needed to start with. most of the strings are rated at .2A so having multiples would still be well under the 2A per string maximum for the board.

I have some 31v lights that will be connecting along with trialing some solar lights that i tested at 26v which from what i have read on other threads here could likely run at 31v or maybe adjust the voltage down a little to 29v in between the 25v and 31v ratings for the different sets.

The board and power supply will be inside my garage and will use 1 or 2mm wire to extend out to the strings, if i did it correctly a quick check indicated that voltage drop for the longest run of 12m at both 31 and 29V on 1mm wire @ .2Amp was .12V (most already have a 6m lead so would only be max 6m extension for the furtherest set)
This should simplify the install and weatherproofing needed, i've also ordered pigtails to connect the extensions cables to the strings.

Thanks in Advance for any feedback
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That order looks like something I may have sent out today.
The inbuilt effects are all synchronous with each other in the classic or idle modes. In test mode it cycles through a heap of different effects.
It's possible to go from running the lights from their static state to being controlled by a sequence within minutes. The evil 2 wire 2 channel lights don't allow you to do too much with them but they are cheap and they do cover a large area pretty quickly. There's plenty of sequences on the xlights drive that you can use the timings from and it's relatively easy to setup some custom props to take advantage of the strings being only 2 channels. I put 20 strings / 10,000 leds up last week and I have often just left these same lights running on idle mode until I get my sequences and cabling sorted.
That order looks like something I may have sent out today.
The inbuilt effects are all synchronous with each other in the classic or idle modes. In test mode it cycles through a heap of different effects.
It's possible to go from running the lights from their static state to being controlled by a sequence within minutes. The evil 2 wire 2 channel lights don't allow you to do too much with them but they are cheap and they do cover a large area pretty quickly. There's plenty of sequences on the xlights drive that you can use the timings from and it's relatively easy to setup some custom props to take advantage of the strings being only 2 channels. I put 20 strings / 10,000 leds up last week and I have often just left these same lights running on idle mode until I get my sequences and cabling sorted.
Thanks Alan for the response and also for sending out the order so quickly, I got notification from Australia post that i had an order on the way very soon after placing it. I was expecting this time of year would be pretty busy and delayed.
Good to know about test mode and also reassuring that sequencing can be a quick process. I'll check out the xlights drive for some timings and start playing.
I actually feel a bit bad that I have 2 orders today that I couldn't get out today. 1 I completely ran out of time to get finished and the 2nd needed some of the ABS boxes that are coming in a delivery and didn't get here today due to Melb cup holiday and also the day delay due to the fact I had to sign a declaration that there was no asbestos in the parcel :/ .
There is only so much that can be done, I rarely get everything done in a day that i wanted or hoped to(usually with an added dose of perfectionism to make it even more unattainable), especially when there are other factors at play out of your hands.
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