FPP Projector not showing full screen


New elf
Dec 4, 2024
I'm still a newbie to this hobby with this only being my 2nd year. I decided to add a projector this year. When I loaded FPP on a raspberry pi 3B+ version 8.3 and tested, sequences were full screen and played well. Once I scheduled my sequences in Xlights scheduler the projector only shows the video in a small box on the upper left corner. It also is showing double one picture on top of the other in the small box in the upper left corner. I tried making sure the FPP is set to 1080p 30hz, the same as the projector, but like I said no issues when testing only after I scheduled the show in xlights scheduler. Not sure how to fix. Any help would be appreciated.
Did you do an FPP connect which potentially changed the configuration of your virtual matrix within FPP?

Whether the data is coming from xLights sequencer output to lights or xSchedule should be immaterial to how the FPP instance is interpreting it and displaying it.
You may find that now xLights sequencer is exhibiting the same behaviour.