I'd backup settings either way (always good to backup things)
But I'll ask, why reimage over upgrade? May depend on what version you're already on as if it's too old the only option is to reimage.
running 4.61 on my p10s. The rest I will reimage after i pull them out of storage. They haven't been turned on for over 18 months. Just didn
t want to pull my matrix apart and I have already backed it up. Just hoping for a short cut.. Manual update does want to work.
I did the reimage from the web interface from the last version of 4.6.x. FPP was a fresh install the week before so I copied the os .fpp image to the pi and ran it that way. It worked without issues. I had no need to make back-ups of anything.
I just upgraded my 2 Pis and 1 Beagle to 5.0 via the in place upgrade. You download the correct fppos file and upload to the FPP you want to upgrade, and go to the about page and upgrade. Takes a while, just go do something else, and it's usually finished within 30 mins and just reload. 2/3 of mine appear stuck but it just didn't refresh the screen.
"In-place upgrade - this is new and requires you to have FPP 3.6.2 (or 4.0-alpha2) or newer already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 5.0. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. Note: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running."
Backup your settings BEFORE you do this, but if you do it this way it all works and the settings remain.