Free Madrix-like Software for WS2801 pixels

What I like most is their idea of using ping pong balls as light diffusers for the pixels in their "plasma matrix".
The use ping pong ball is a genius idea... I'm totally using that in my display somewhere. Although I highly doubt I'm drilling 1344 ping pong balls to outfit my mega-tree. It'll have to be a much smaller-scale effort :)

Anyone have any idea what a ping pong ball would looking like if left outside for a couple of months?
Actually I found a white ping pong ball in the gutter of the house the other day and it has probably been there for 6 - 7 months and not brittle at all. So it lasted through our very hot summer we have here.
Looked at using Ping Pong balls years ago, gave it up as a great idea that was impossible to implement in practice due to the difficulty of making the hole in the ball without denting it in other places.

I got a Dremel 4000 a couple of months back and it's now my tool of choice for all projects :) Nice to hear about the found ping pong ball. Living in Florida we have fairly hot and wet winters. We don't necessarily have extreme temperature changes that time of year.

I'll experiment on a string of 50 pixels. Maybe to decorate my new donation bow.
made my first WS2801 project with ping pong balls, but the main problem :
They are not UV protected...
So after few weeks outside, the white of the ball will go to yellow and of course mixing colors will be crappy....
So I avoid the suite with these balls for external use
But for indoor use it's fine...
Would spraying with the UV protection spay talked about in other threads work? Not sure what it's called.