G'day from melbourne, looking to build a pixel mega tree


New elf
Sep 7, 2020
Hi all i'm looking to build my first pixel tree.
just needing advice on how to build it. i'm thinking 3 mtrs high 180 degrees 16 strips .
what i carnt figure out is spacing 50mm or 75mm?
controller is the other issue i'd like the ready to run system. but it look i'm unable get the falcon controller i like here.
here are the links of the 2 controllers i like.

any advice would be great thanks brendan
Welcome to ACL Brendan.

Spacing, size and dimensions are all unique for each individual, there is no right or wrong, whatever YOU are pleased to look at every day!
https://www.lightshowhub.com/tools/mega-tree-calculator may assist in visualising what yours could look like. One thing to note depending on the type of lights you are using (bullets or square nodes) will determine the spacing between each string at the top of the tree. You can't jam them close together as you need a bit of extra room so they don't touch each other and can face outwards cleanly, and provide easy access for any maintenance required.

I'm not sure of a Falcon kit ready to go here in Aus, 95% of us will tend to buy all the bits separate and build our own (that's half the fun!) and there is plenty of support if you need assistance within the group.
Advatek are actually based here in Aus so support is also easy to get if you get stuck, they just charge in USD.
Welcome Brendan,

My "mega tree" is also about 3 m high , and I have 32 strips in about 270 degrees . It depends on your location . you could do a 180 tree and then always add strings later/in subsequent years if you dont like them (are you planning on strings or strips ?)

i run my mega tree off a Pixlite16 - also have a F16 (group buy) for other props (not sure of Daryl has any extra for sale) . As Graham mentioned, Advatek are based in Mel and on the odd occasion when I had a query - provided excellent support.