Getting further apart lights still wont play


New elf
Mar 27, 2015
Golden Point, Ballarat Victoria
Because of issues with my laptop I am now trying to use my PC.
I have upgraded LOR software to latest. Upgraded firmware on controller Changed to a DMX dongle. Using crossover cable to controller.
Main issue at the moment is when I open sequence editor a pop up says the show player is already running and must be turned off to allow sequence editor to control lights.
As far as I can see the "show player" is not running.

Any ideas on what to check. The names on the software may have been changed to confuse newbs like me.
in the control panel pop up thing you need to "disable shows" or "disable shows gracefully". If the LOR lightbulb is blue it means that a scheduled show is setup. If it is red then you are right to use the sequencer.