Gingerbread Sleigh


New elf
Nov 25, 2013
5 Cimarron Edge Meadow Springs Mandurah WA
I am in the process of making a new sleigh for my display and have run into a problem.
How do I get the gingerbread criss cross piping correct? I have tried getting the diamond pattern done by using string and from a diamondtemplate but its not working out right. I have even tried freehand but it looks uneven. Can anyone help me out please?
The Fordys
Western Australia
I would guess that if it's straight and even but doesn't look it. That it's a optical illusion. The correction would be to make the diamonds much smaller to define the pattern to the eye. Otherwise the shapes of the snow and runners and tub take over and make it look odd.
I don't know if this helps, i would take a photo of it and load it into a drawing type program, even powerpoint would do, then draw the diamond shapes on it and just fiddle till it looks ok.
If that doesn't work I would call on some arty friends, then if all else fails it would get painted red...

My feeling towards your dilemma is that you are trying to create gingerbread look right ? So in my eyes should not look perfect . Will be fine mate
You wouldn't believe it but hubby found a piece of lattice outside that has diamond shapes and he used that to make the grid. It worked out well and I decided to make it more rustic than trying to make those perfect straight lines in the end. lol Thankyou for the replies too, glad there are people out there ready to help I got to stop trying to do everything perfect as it stresses me out to much for sure hehe Thanks again....