Greetings from Portsmouth, Virginia. USA


New elf
Jan 12, 2021
Hello everyone.
I am looking forward to learning as much about this hobby. I always enjoyed decorating for the holidays and more recently Halloween. I plan to start small and over the years add a little more each and every year. My plan this year is to make a custom AC LED light strand for the roof line with C9 bulbs (blue and cool white I think right now.) I don't plan to sequence those lights at all. And to dip my toe into the pixels, I would like to start small with some leaping arches this coming year. I figure arches are small enough and cheap enough to learn how to build and sequence before moving on to bigger displays. I am a mechanic engineer and my skills with circuity and making up electrical connects are remedial at best. However, would to love to learn those skills.
Welcome to ACL @retlawted .
The beauty of this hobby is you gain skills in :Design and construction of props and Electrical/Electronics .
There is also the artistic side to consider which is sequencing music to lights which i really enjoy but i
understand is not for everyone. There are plenty of songs already out there those not inclined.
Good idea to build your display over time too, don't complicate things until you have the experience/knowledge,
but some arches and maybe a small/med tree would be solid start
If you haven't already i would suggest getting a copy of the ACL 101 manual for some light reading and future reference.
As always there are plenty of members here and abroad willing to help you out.

Cheers Adam