Happy New Year


Full time elf
Oct 12, 2016
Happy New Year gang! Thanks for keeping me entertained this year as I struggled to keep up with the blows 2020 pegged at us all. I think we all held on pretty tight. See you all next year in the wastelands as we fight off all the zombies together. I’m going to bed to get as much rest as I need before the battle ahead. Much love, Suz.
Today is the end of a tear that saw all sorts of things thrown at us and for some they didn’t see today. We will rember those who have past. The rest of us survived how ever we could not doing what we use to do, now arriving at the end of a trying year we all look to the future to be better and eventually return to normality.

enough of that

Lest party till we puke and see this year in the dustbin

raise a glass to a better 2021 than what we have endured.