Hello again, and forum question


Suburbs of Philadelphia
May 16, 2010
Pottstown, PA USA
Didn't know where to post questions about this forum. This look like a good place to me.
Was wondering if I am blind, or is there a way to see new post? Most forums have a button somewhere for "new Post" since last login of new threads. Just wondering.

UH..Duh. found it. At the bottom under stats. And I haven't even drank anything yet today :)
yes there is, if you look at where it says Hello Cenote on the top left of the page just below your name you will see "show unread posts since your last visit" and "show new replies to your post"
All you might read

General questions can be asked in "the family room" or "the backyard bbq" boards, the names may not really makes sense at first though but refer to the places around the house that are often social areas for lot's of generic conversations

fasteddy said:
yes there is, if you look at where it says Hello Cenote on the top left of the page just below your name you will see "show unread posts since your last visit" and "show new replies to your post"

Great, now I feel like a bigger idiot. Andy....Keep your trap shut :p :p
cenote said:
fasteddy said:
yes there is, if you look at where it says Hello Cenote on the top left of the page just below your name you will see "show unread posts since your last visit" and "show new replies to your post"

Great, now I feel like a bigger idiot. Andy....Keep your trap shut :p :p

all i can say is hehehehehehehehe, very funny