Hello all from Illinois


New elf
Oct 7, 2021
Hello everyone!
I've only scratched the surface of this forum & very glad I did, so much great info & helpful members!
I've been debating for the last couple of years to set up our house w/ a more robust, unique light display than the incandescent lights I've been using. But I have been tinkering w/ smart LEDs/basic controllers for years.

Professionally I am a CCNP certified engineer so I will deploying an E1.31 display initially w/ @ 800 pixels(This will be a house outline only, no props, trees etc) & hopefully 1 controller if possible w/ the xlights sequencer.
Granted, I still have much to learn but based on my limited knowledge on research I've done so far, I think the E1.31 is what I'll have the best success with.
Looking forward to meeting members & getting up to speed on this great hobby!
Welcome to ACL! Always good to take it easy the first year and get your feet wet. My first year was 600 pixels. It's a slippery slope once you get the bug. Tons of helpful information in the ACL 101 manual. Chat is a great resource as well if you have questions. Welcome to the hobby and ACL!
Hello and welcome from someone outside of Chicago. This is a great place to learn and chat with others. To my understanding there are a couple of others from the area on here also. This is my first year of setting up blinky lights and being here made it a lot easier.
Thanks for the replies!
@uncledan-yah, I'm going in w/ the expectation to have a sequence or 2 set up by christmas. All my gear will be here w/in the week. This weekend Im going to get all my pvc & misc framing I'll need for my windows & garage outline. For the roof line, I'll be using j-channel left over from the previous owner in my attic. (score!) I'm just hoping I have enough time to get familiar enough w/ xlights to make a working sequence or 2. But I have already gone thru the ACL 101 manual a couple times already & have it on my desktop as I'm sure I'll be wearing it out over the next couple months.
@Indigogyre-great to hear from another Illinoisan. ; ) I've trolled multiple forums for a few years now but decided to finally jump in & get my first show together. This forum has been a huge help already & look forward to it as I learn something new everyday. : )
Just in case you are "down state" (Illinois), there are a couple of us down here as well. Just yell if you need anything.
Of course, the guys and gals on here are great folk. (Just got to get used to some of the lingo.) :)