Hello all

There's a few of us around different parts of Queensland if you need a hand, plus plenty of others in the chat room here as well.

Check out the ACL 101 , as it's a good read to get you started.

This is my second year at pixel lighting, and still learning heaps.
Thanks. I just finished the manual and now trying to decide on a controller. Decisions, decisions.
you may have left your run too late for this year, but don't let that stop you.

Do up your plans for what you want to see your display next year, and then work at doing a few bits of it this year.

Darylc on this forum, may still have some Falcon F16v3 controllers still available, and they are the ones that I use, but you don't have to use them if you don't want to.

Nothing wrong with a small display this year, because next year you can build up on that. I'm assuming you still have some bigw/bunnings lights from last year ? .. don't throw them away just yet, as they'll help fill out your display this year.