Hello All


New elf
Nov 14, 2020
Hey everyone,
long time lurker but only just signed up.
We just moved into our first house after last christmas so I've been given the mandate by my better half to make our front yard "spew christmas"
Will be starting small and adding to it each year.
A little background about myself -I'm an SA local and an electrician by trade and studied computer science at University for a while also! - hopefully this helps with wrapping my head around X-lights etc
Welcome to ACL.
Grab the 101 manual and have a read.
You should fit in here and pick it up easy as but it does have its own little quirks.
Setup your house in xLights add dummy channels and don’t stress have fun and enjoy the learning curve.
Hi and welcome, great time to be looking into starting a sequenced light display

Lots of great resources available within ACL inc as mentioned the 101 manual, plus some great ACL mini Youtube videos etc

If you can maybe see if there is a local member who is setting up their display and they may be kind enough to give you a sneak peak and their setup

Cheers and welcome