Hello All


New elf
Jan 4, 2012
Hello to all
I accidently stumbled across this Australian site after countless nights reading & researching information about computerized light displays & thank goodness I did, as it will now give me a point of referance on local issues & ideas to achieve a seasonal obsession
I am in Happy Valley (South) of Adelaide & for many years I have put together a random static display of lights without much planning, while reasonably happy with the effort longed for something to stand out & structure. I am the only one in my street to put together a display & despite the fact that we are tucked away from other great displays still seem to get around 5 - 10 cars a night checking it out - This year I added 4 laser lights to the display & while great still didnt get me that wow factor I was after (more so longed for). Reading this forum there seems to be some very technically minded & creative people here that I can gain some insperation & information from ............At risk of posing the old Ford v Holden question where do I start as far as controllers go????????
Currently I have just made 5 mini trees @900mm H with 320 LED warm string lights
1 x 1500mm larger tree again with 320 LED warm string lights
I have 5 rope light figures & 5 standard rope lights that I bend & tie up into words & or pic
blue LED icicles from eaves - 5 x 30m multi coloured LED string lights & countless incandecent lights that dont really go out anymore & 1 large blow up Santa
I want to emulate some of the American counter parts with RGB LED colour changing strip lighting around window or under eaves, maybe a CCR (but cant really justify the cost - might have to look on ebay for 5050 LED light strips) & more, more, more lights
So I need to norrow down a starting point & look to your advise as to be honest it started to get a little bit confusing with all the reading, no sooner had I decided on the controller then another option popped up - I have contacted LOR & they can configure the controller to AU but reading hear it looks like there maybe a better, cheaper, advanced systems available
Kind Regards in advance


Full time elf
Dec 10, 2010
I'm going to assume with a nick like plumbhard you are a plumber, which means you most likely have access to some handy PVC piping of all sizes.....but welcome to ACL, you find lots of info on almost anything, and if it's not made yet put the idea out and someone will either help you out or build it for you :)

there are plenty ACL members in SA you maybe able to converse with and meet. As far as controllers go, you have a LOT of options feel free to check out the ingo in the forums and the connected wiki's or jump into chat and talk to someone.



Dedicated elf
May 2, 2010
welcome to the group plumbhard. this site is amasing all the info you need to go to RGB is here and the best way i have found to get to know everyone is through chat.


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
Welcome to the group plumbhard. A HEAP of knowledge across all levels of expertise on this site. You'll be learning and contributing in no-time!
Feel free to post any videos you have of your 2011 display in the Show Off area of the forum - even my static display got some good feedback so there is no right or wrong!


New elf
Jan 4, 2012
Robbo - You are correct
Not a great deal of thought was put into my user name - hahahaha


Let there be Light!
Dec 28, 2010
Mawson Lakes, South Australia
Hi Plumhard
Welcome to ACL and great to another South Aussie in the game of stepping up from Static to something to blow peoples minds away. I too had been doing static and wanted something else to stand out as we have other lights in the street. I have completed my 2nd year of LOR growing from 16ch in 2010 to 80ch in 2011 and like you will be looking at adding RGB to the display.
I also have Rope Light Motifs that I did try to controll them this year but depending on what you have would stay away from controlling them much as it is very hard to get a wow factor with turning them on and off.
On the ACL you will find many smarter minds then mind to help you along the way, but we are also looking to hold a Adelaide Mini where all the SA brains will get together to swap ideas and help each other out, if interested register your interest here.


I Have C.L.A.P and its very infectious
Global moderator
May 29, 2010
Hi Plumbhard. Welcome to ACL.

Love seeing static display guys wanting to play with with the animated stuff. Exisiting lights can be used for computerised displays but can be tricky to learn how to do this to start. As for the whole CCR thing there are many different options for achieving this effect at quarter the cost.

There is a lot of info in here and it can be a bit daunting but there are always some of us in chat that can always answer your questions.

The Only dumb Question is the one you don't ask.


LOR user
Nov 8, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

to ACL Plumbhard

Take your time on the decision on how you want to start your trip into animated lighting.
Your initial decision can be costly in some cases to change your direction in the following years.
"In my opinion" LOR is the easy way to get started but not the cheapest.
DIY is the cheapest but takes more time and understanding before the lights start blinking.

If you have the time, your area 'mini' is a huge asset for getting started and leaves you enough time to get things blinking for 2012.

There is lots of info in the forums & wiki. If you have any questions at all post it in the forum or jump into chat and ask. Lots of friendly people will be happy to answer your questions or point you in the right direction of the forums/wiki.

As already stated above, there are no silly questions here.