Hello everyone from Ottawa, Ontario Canada


New elf
Dec 23, 2020
Hello everyone,

I’ve been a long time fan of the Christmas lights displays but never looked into behind the scene until recently and that got my attention.

I‘ve just ordered some pixels strings, pig tails and a plastic strip roll to work on a mega tree for next year.I did download the xlights software and started to play around with it.

My intention is to do a mega tree, roof soffits and windows and doors lighting for next year. Is this too ambitious for a newby in this hobby?

My biggest problem at this point is which controller? I was leaning for the Hinks Pix pro at first although the F16 V3 seem to be a better option due to there technical support. So to light up my openings, mega tree which will be on the front left of the house and the soffits, what do I need as far as a control

Any suggestion are welcome. I’m not to good at programming stuff but with proper instructions I should be ok. We’ll definitely look into the wiki section and the manual.

Thank you in advance.


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Oh yeah, you are going to have so much fun with that front yard!

Falcons are the most popular with ACL members I think. I have a pair of Falcon F4s (still a small display). The F16s and F48s are more popular it seems, the various models each have different capabilities and a 'fit' for how one sees/wants their display. Discussions pertaining to other controllers can always be seen so it comes down to individual choice.

Most individuals begin fairly small and grow their display over time. There is somewhat of a learning curve so I would suggest a delay in further hardware purchases until you have a better feel for what/how the hardware works and works together. You mentioned the 101 Manual and the Wiki, The Display Videos and Forum archives are also sections for display ideas and solutions to problems you may and others have encountered.