Hello from Calgary, Alberta


New elf
Jan 8, 2021
Hello everyone. I am from Calgary, Alberta Canada. I am tired of dumb lights, of inflatable displays.. I do love some of the Inflatables but I want to do more. I want challenge and excitement. So what better area than light displays. I have been reading a lot of documents and looking at videos. I have downloaded XLights and started to play with it. I also purchased ribbon LED, a set of 50 Pixel Lights and matrix board ( hooked them to NodeMCUs) to just see what is happening. But now, I am ready to learn about the real controllers and where to go with this. So I believe this will be an Exciting and Challenging year but I am ready. I have a lot of questions and a lot of learning to do.
I get to be the first to recommend the 101 Manual (link under the home icon on the home page) as a mandatory read. I'm new as well, but the info helped me tremendously in understanding the discussions here.

Also, last night Keith Westley (Xlights developer) had a 3.5 hr Zoom class on getting started with Xlights. It was tremendous!! The class will be on his YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOKeP2mWsBEKqqHkT0QndQ) in a couple of weeks. There are many videos there.

There is a Zoom that is open 24/7 on Xlights.com. The team there is very good with answers, as are the forums and chat here.

Canispator Christmas has a great set of videos on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCby1v6Kbi8AHMkV2yMyF1MQ). He does these with a touch of humor.

There are lists of vendors on this site that are helpful as well.

Good luck!