Hello from Kansas, USA


New elf
Sep 9, 2013
Hi everyone!

I have been reading these forums for a couple years now, and finally decided to register. I have been building Christmas light displays since I was about 5 years old, and since 2007 have been doing animated lighting at my home and at a local botanical garden in Wichita. I am well experienced at sequencing in LOR and have good knowledge of their hardware and software. I am looking to expand into RGB pixels and more DMX elements, and find this community to be very helpful and friendly.

YouTube links to past projects:

Original 2007 video: [SIZE=78%]2007 Lindquist Lights[/SIZE]

Added Megatree in 2009 (lower quality video though): [SIZE=78%]2009 Lindquist Lights[/SIZE]
Welcome to ACL.
After watching your videos, I see you are really into it. They were awesome. You do have a knack to have your timing right on the beat. Loved every one. You didn't go over board with it. Glad to have you with us here. We can learn some things from you.
The only comment I have is the tree on the left side with the spot. It is a bigger tree than the others & maybe you can put some blinders on the spot for it so it will be more equal to the others. I seems to be gett much more light than the other ones.
I loved the editing you did on that graduation video. You are good at that.
I'm willing to bet you are some kind of musician in the way you were able to sequencer your display.
good to meet you & hope to see you in the chat room.......


to ACL
That display should make all the "south wind people" proud.
Nice job indeed.
Welcome to ACL! Nice displays. If you are looking to expand into pixels and rgb then check out HLS. It works a lot like LOR (once you get started) and it is free! HLS is what LOR should be by now. Anyway, welcome again and stop by chat and say howdy.
Welcome to ACL, you will find lots of helpful and talented people here so feel welcome to ask any questions or visit the chat room.
There are many options available in both hardware and software so take your time to decide what will best suit you and not someone else.