Hello from me!


New elf
Mar 17, 2019
Hey there.

New to the light automation game, but long time in electronics, process control systems and microprocessors (back when the Z80 and the 6809 ruled and Machine Code skills were required).

About to jump into the deep end with automation to music, although starting 'simple' at the moment and then getting to the point where it's all too late, and children need to be sold for medical experiments shortly after to fund upgrades.

Hello to you all :)
I programmed Z80, 6809 and 68705 way back in my college days. Processors have changed a bit since then. From memory I reckon they were 1MHz and 2MHz processors. The 68705 was UV erasable. Oh the fun back in those days.
Z80's, 8255's, "Push", "Pop", "LD", "Out", "Call"....


On the other hand, my eprom programmer is struggling to find a PC to still work with.....
Hey there.

New to the light automation game, but long time in electronics, process control systems and microprocessors (back when the Z80 and the 6809 ruled and Machine Code skills were required).

About to jump into the deep end with automation to music, although starting 'simple' at the moment and then getting to the point where it's all too late, and children need to be sold for medical experiments shortly after to fund upgrades.

Hello to you all :)

"Yes. I remember it well" - 6502, Signetics 2650, Z80 etc. - cassette-tape-based programmes and 'Locksmith' copy utility.

I still have an Apple II which I bought new in 1979 with 16k onboard and I bought a 32k memory expansion board - a total of 48k - wow!!
I also have my original acoustic coupler for telephone connection to 'The Australian Source' BBS, of which I was a charter member.
That was before Telecom's 'Viatel' service.

Oh, the good old days. Nostalgia was never like this.