hello from Northern subs Sa


New elf
Nov 13, 2011
Hello all I have just joined the forum. I started putting lights up last year and now have the bug it seems. I do not know anything about electrical stuff. So far I am only just buying off the shelf and plugging it in. Although I did make two corflute style light up signs last year. I will see if they still work soon. Last year I had a 6 foot light tree, but this year it seems to have grown to 10 feet now. I would love to get into using LOR controllers but dont really know how to set them up, or where to buy then from other then USA.
Anyway I will be reading and hopefully learning as it is all for the kids.


Senior elf
Jun 30, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Hi there! Welcome to ACL.

There are a few of us from the northern areas of Adelaide doing animated displays, including myself. I know what you mean with that bug. We've even given it a name, CLAP. Christmas Lighting Addiction Problem. Its true!

May I ask which suburb you are decorating from? Chances are you may be close to an exisiting animated display and you might be able to get a look at one.

Feel free to join in the chat (select "Chat" above) if you want to ask some questions with some speedy answers.

You may also like to check out the interest topic for a 2012 Adelaide Mini. What's a mini? Basically a social gathering and learning environment of fellow CLAPpers. With discussions, demonstrations, etc. Check it out: http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1080.0.html


I Have C.L.A.P and its very infectious
Global moderator
May 29, 2010
Welcome to ACL borstalboy.
As you will find out there are many different ways to tackle annimating your Christmas lights and you have found the right place to learn. South Australia has some very talented ACL Members in it. Please feel free to look at the members map and you possible may be able to call past their displays this season.


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
Welcome to ACL, I'm sure we can help you get some computer control happening for your display in 2012, for many of us its an obsession and a year long hobby. Don't be afraid as many guys who are putting up displays this year for the first time started green 12 months ago.


Let there be Light!
Dec 28, 2010
Mawson Lakes, South Australia
Welcome to ACL

I myself are in the Northern Suburbs of Adelaide and would not have gotten this far with animated lights if it was not for this forum and the previous Google Group.

As said in the other posts enter the chat room and watch and learn, there are alot of very talented minds to gather all the info you need.

If you are close to Mawson Lakes pop past this light season to check out my set up and ask any question you want, would be happy to help another potential CLAP.


LOR user
Nov 8, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Hello Borstalboy,
Welcome, I currently only use LOR, it's as close to plug and play as you can get with lights but at a high monetary cost. I just bought 2 CCR ribbons a few weeks back and they work great. However it will most likely be the last LOR hardware thing I buy. It's time for me to move into DIY and make my display grow faster.
Wish I lived close to the smart people you have down there. :) The guys there will be able to assist you in getting you lights moving. Although they do it more DIY style it will save you money.