Hello from Nth Qld


Full time elf
Oct 12, 2016
Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself. My fiancé and I are excited to start on our lights. For now I have a ton of learning/reading to do before we start spending $
I'm sure I'll return with questions :D In the meantime, I'll be floating around, having a read.
Peace ✌️

welcome to the house of fun... best place to start is with the 101 manual
read it 10 times and jump into chat and say hello
Without being nasty, you've left your start a bit late for 2016, most people take 12months to get going, but don't let me stop you...
Hey Fing!
Yeah, I know. I have been mentioning lights to my other half for months, and just now he has said let's do it. We already have a few pixel strips, but the controller is a Ali express one, that was set in demo mode so it was rather boring, and I think I might be wasting my time learning about it, because from what I have read everyone uses other controllers.
I'm loving the manual. My PC screen is non existent at the moment and my phone isn't opening the PDF properly, so I am limited to just forums at the moment until my PC has a screen again.
Zuseleets said:
I have been mentioning lights to my other half for months, and just now he has said let's do it.
Ha that's funny, normally it's us poor blokes that have to get permission..... :D
So if you have some strips maybe you just need a different controller/power supply and a bit of time programming to get you started for this year.
I know, right? hopefully it's all we need.I already have a FM transmitter from last year so I'm crossing fingers