Hello from Southern Illinois


Al Gerdes
Nov 29, 2012
Lebanon, Illinois
I first joined ACL back in November 2012, but don't remember putting anything up here as was suggested. If I did, please forgive.

I am old enough to not say how old I am, but I'm very young at heart. Loving this "Electrified Christmas" as my sons called it. Now I'm moving into Pixels, and feeling like a beginner again. Who would have thought I'd be learning how to weld (wireframes), climbing radio towers (again) to hang decorations, or learning a piece of software that quite simply makes my head spin trying to get myself into a new method.

Thank you to all that have allowed me to ask "stupid questions" and still get straight answers. Hopefully I'll be able to pitch in from time to time and answer some myself.

Looking forward to what comes next!

An official welcome to ACL, There are no such things as stupid questions here, everyone starts out not knowing until they do the research and ask questions.
All the best with your venture into pixles, you are in good hands with this community.



It is fun getting CLAP!!! :D
Christmas Lighting Addiction Problem

As already stated, never any silly or dumb questions here, just lots of very friendly folks to help you on your blinky journey.
Welcome to ACL!! Lots of VERY knowledgable and VERY helpful folks here at ACL, ESPECIALLY on RGBs. Like a lot of things, there is a lot to know when getting into RGBs, but none of it is really "hard"... I encourage you on getting into RGBs. Last year was my first year to synch and I decided to jump into RGBs last September(kinda late...); that worked out just fine but I had more to learn in a shorter period of time than I had expected. I am SO glad I jumped into pixels last year--they were by FAR the best aspect of my display.