Hello from Texas USA


New elf
Feb 7, 2015
Denton, Texas
Just a quick hello. I've known about the AusChristmasLighting forums for some time, but am just now getting around to joining. I built my first animated display in 2006 and one thing leads to another. Today I run Extreme Lightscapes (www.extremelightscapes.com) and The Christmas Light Emporium (www.thechristmaslightemporium.com). Even though I make my living at this, my first love and my approach to business is always from the angle of a hobbyist first. I look forward to getting to know you all!
Welcome to ACL! Stop by chat and say hi. This is the friendliest christmas bunch of people I've ever met, and if you have questions there is always someone around to help you out. You are lucky, the biggest show around for Christmas lighting around in the US is the Academy ... Great show and a lot of people working with pixels and E1.31. Look forward to chatting with you.
Welcome, welcome. Uh, not sure about the Academy this year as I hear it may not happen because they lost their venue (and the site shows no updates for 2015). On a different note, Christmas Expo will be in Fort Worth this year in July. Look forward to having another person to learn from on here (I still consider myself a newbie). Best of luck.
From Cincinnati

to ACL Darren
Welcome to ACL. I know the feeling of trying to make a living from your passion. Looks like you are living the dream
Welcome to ACL

Jump into chat and say hi.

I heard that the Moscone Center in San Francisco or several other places around the bay area would be great for a EXPO or christmas light show... (hint hint)
