Hello from the NSW South Coast


Full time elf
Dec 10, 2020
NSW South Coast

I don't have a light show (yet) but am looking to have something ready for next year hopefully. I have no idea where to begin so will have a read of the 101 manual and start to slowly purchase the equipment (I assume) I will need.

I do however, have lights up on the house, which I love to do and figure the next logical step, if I'm going to continue to spend cash, is a light show!

I look forward to reading everyones hints and tips as I'm sure there's years worth of it here xD

Merry Christmas :)
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One better, video below! :)
The set of lights on the bush in the middle of the yard died on me last night, so trying to get them going again (fingers crossed!) and I only had the rest of the lights for the roof delivered today. I'll be moving the star off the roof and putting it somewhere else and the roof will just be string lights.
